last Wednesday at church, our youth pastor told us that when u fast, u shouldn't going around telling people or you aren't really fasting, or at least not for the right reasons.
Matthew 6:16-18
"And when you fast, don閳ユ獩 make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get. 17 But when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. 18 Then no one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who knows what you do in private. And your Father, who sees everything, will reward you."
what do you do if someone asks you? if you say no, you'd be lying, but if you say yes, does it make you a hypocrite?
for example...if i was fasting and at school i didn't get lunch. If a friend asked, "why aren't you eating?" what would I do?
Please don't respond if you don't believe in God.
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We are the Light of the world. When you show that light without words it touches the heart of others and they will ask you for words. Its not bragging when God places that person in front of you with a question.
Tell them why you do it honeslty and from your heart.Remember the fewer words spoken are better. It is better to be a light. You are all of christianity to that person. You speak for all of us. You might be the only bible they ever see. SO be a light and shine and show with your loving kindness compassion and love for all of Gods creation.
Honesty and love speak for themselves speak from your heart and there is nothing hypocritical about it.
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just say no cuz its not a lie he told you to tell ppl no just say ur not hungry
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Use plenty of lube.
Or maybe that's "fisting."
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It's okay to answer peoples questions just don't go around being like "I'm starving for God, look at me." If someone ask you why you aren't eating just simply say I'm on a fast. If they don't know what it is then explain it to them. It's not bad to talk about it it's just bad to brag about it.
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i'm not in the mood, i'm eating later....
#1 because you are "not" in the mood, you've chosen to fast
#2 because you "will" be eating later...
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Just tell them you are not eating today, and if they ask why, just say it's personal.
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There is a difference between making it obvious that you are fasting and honestly answering a question. If someone asks why you are not eating, merely state that you choose not to eat lunch and leave it at that.
I remember that passage from the Ash Wednesday services I attended. It's still one of my favorites.
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Nothing wrong in religious fasting. Better to have doctor's advise on how to fast.
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You are not going around bragging about your fasting...
so if someone asks " why aren't you eating".... "oh, I am fasting".... "why?"... "that's just what I do sometimes"...
You don't have to make a big deal about it...
lots of people fast once in a while...
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If some asks you why you're not eating, don't lie but tactfully mention that you're fasting. Telling the truth is easier. Also you mention to that person to keep it between he and you.
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If you're asked directly, just say it simply and don't make a big deal out of it. I don't think it's wrong to be honest if someone asks you about it.
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Always tell the truth and God will reward you. After all it is not like you are calling attention to yourself for fasting. You are not seeking praise from men.
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Just tell the truth and dont worry about.
The people Jesus was talking about were fasting so that other people would think they were spiritual.
They were putting on a front.
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As a Muslim...if asked if i am fasting...i will say so....but i will not initiate the question.....nor tell them before hand......hope it helps....fasting for your false/misleading God.....
STILL peace
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The question is how would they know that you are fasting? nobody will have a clue, unless you go around looking all hang dogged faced, and tired.
But if someone asks, say " I am observing lent"
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Just say you are fasting my friend.
A hypocrite is a person who fasts and wanted to show everybody by his actions. This was what happened innJesus time when people of high ranks in church fasted to be more respected.
You could just say you are abstaining from eating in order to grow spiritually or you are in desperate need for God to help.
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Just be honest, and do not worry about coming off as hypocritical or offending others...
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i take it your not catholic if you are my apologies, not for being catholic for mistaking you as a protestant. if your fasting for lent its a given that all catholics do it, jesus went 40 days without food then willingly gave himself up through crucifixition for us, so its not really a big deal for us to give up smokes or fast for a few days. i know this sounds weird or mad but were meant to suffer or at least gain penance from it not in a sadomacho kind of way but in piety. google matt talbot, that dude will blow you away when it comes to penance. he was an alcoholic from dublin who wore chains as penance.
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In the verse Matthew 6:16-18, it never says to NOT tell someone, but to not make it obvious. The bible would never tell you to lie...
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