I have really long and thick dark blonde hair. I'm 14 and lately i have been losing a lot of hair, if just falls off when i condition my hair in the shower, and when i comb it in the morning, i end up with giant balls of hair in the drain and HUGE balls of hair in my comb. is this bad? i don't notice a difference like thinning in my hair but it seems like im losing too much...
Losing hair at 14??
I had the same problem at your age, it could be because you're low in iron. Go get a blood test. This is a common problem amoung teenagers.
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Losing hair at 14??
You lose tons of hair daily, its natural, you lose 100 hairs a day! If you skip a day of combing your hair, it builds up and appears like you've lost more. As long as your diet is healthy, don't be concerned because you are constantly growing new hair.
Losing hair at 14??
If you straighten or curl your hair, that could be the problem. I used to straighten my hair everyday and all of the sudden it just started falling out in clumps. Also, it could be a shampoo you are using. You may be allergic to it, therefore casing your hair to fall out.
Losing hair at 14??
The more hair you have and the thicker it is, the more will come out in she shower and out on the brush or comb. It sounds normal, but if you start noticing bald spots or short hair patches here and there on your scalp, go to a doctor.
Losing hair at 14??
It's normal. Everyone loses 30-100 hairs a day. You could also be low in iron, but your hair also grows and falls out in cycles. Also, people who experience a traumatising, emotional, or painful event usually notice hair loss about 3 months later. Some pregnant women lose alot of hair 3 months after giving birth.
Losing hair at 14??
you might have alopecia areata.. consult a doctor/ derma immediately
Losing hair at 14??
I had this same problem and it turned out to be a protein deficiency.
Losing hair at 14??
then l would go see your doctor about this matter.. thats alot of hair your losing
Losing hair at 14??
I have long dark hair.. and a male roommate- he is constantly after me to clean up after myself (when it comes to shedding). Dont worry- its completely normal. I try to be conscience of it because I share a bathroom and it gets to the point where its kind of disgusting that Im losing so much hair.
Like the other person said above, watch your iron levels. Youre only 14 but still may not be getting the right kind of nutrients to sustain you. Watch your diet %26amp; next time you talk to your doc you should ask them about it.
Losing hair at 14??
that happens to me 2
my mom said that it happens because you put conditioner on your scalp
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